Laurent Brunel, physicist specialized in Optics (Graduated at Institut d’Optique, Paris). Previously worked at CERN,CNRS and Formulaction (ResearchGate, LinkedIn)

Elena García Ruiz, Associate profesor at Universidad de Cantabria , Santander, PhD in business administration. (ResearchGate LinkedIn) .

Presentation of PhotonLyX
Online paper: Light Scattering by a dispersion of spheres
Online paper: Dynamics of microstructure and Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy (DWS)
Online paper: From the spectrum to the eye tri-stimulus
Most cited papers of our team:
Lena Acebo, Francisco & Garcia-Ruiz, Maria Elena. (2019). The FABLAB Movement: Democratization of Digital Manufacturing..
Garcia-Ruiz, Maria Elena & Lena Acebo, Francisco. (2018). Aplicación del método delphi en el diseño de una investigación cuantitativa sobre el fenómeno FABLAB. Empiria. 40. 10.5944/empiria.40.2018.22014.
Tisserand C., Fleury M., Brunel L., Bru P., Meunier G. (2012) Passive Microrheology for Measurement of the Concentrated Dispersions Stability. In: Starov V., Griffiths P. (eds) UK Colloids 2011. Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, vol 139. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-28974-3_17
I. Giraud, E. Dantras, A. Brun, H. Dihang, L. Brunel, A. Bernès, G. Meunier, C. Lacabanne, Film formation analysis by diffusive wave spectroscopy, Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 64, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 515-519, ISSN 0300-9440,
L. Brunel, A. Brun, P. Snabre, and L. Cipelletti, “Adaptive Speckle Imaging Interferometry: a new technique for the analysis of micro-structure dynamics, drying processes and coating formation,” Opt. Express 15, 15250-15259 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.15.015250
Laurent Brunel, Alice Brun, Patrick Snabre, “Microstructure movements study by dynamic speckle analysis,” Proc. SPIE 6341, Speckle06: Speckles, From Grains to Flowers, 634127 (15 September 2006);
Kristine Jurski, Jacques Dufaux, Laurent Brunel, Patrick Snabre,
Optical flow detection and imaging, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences – Series IV – Physics, Volume 2, Issue 8, 2001, Pages 1179-1192, ISSN 1296-2147,
CMS-NOTE-1998-079 SIMULGEO Simulation and Reconstruction Software for Opto-Geometrical Systems Brunel, Laurent (CERN ; Kossuth University, Debrecen, Hungary), 9 Dec 1998, Detectors and Experimental Techniques
CERN CMS TN 94-239 Muon Barrel Alignment L. Brunel (1994)
F. Salin, F. Estable, E. Mottay, and L. Brunel, “High-Power, Gain Guided Ti: AL2O3 Laser: Theory and Experiment,” in Advanced Solid State Lasers, A. Pinto and T. Fan, eds., OSA Proceedings Series (Optical Society of America, 1993), paper TL2. https://doi.org/10.1364/ASSL.1993.TL2